Product Details

  • Product Code:869-2424-800070

Technical Specification
Moisture(%):14,5 max
Protein(%):10,5 min
Ash(%):0,65 max

Product Info:
Can be used for every type of bread and pita as well as all types of pastry products.

Product Details:
*Higher yield of final product(bread)compared to other flour types.
*Thinner and homogeneous inner layers of the bread.
*No cracks or torn up areas seen on the surface of the bread.
*Dough doesn’t get too hard during the mixing and easily mixed.
*Dough gets in shape easily and the bread gets its volume in full.
*The scratch of the bread opens up perfectly.
*The bread lasts longer before it’s spoiled.
*Depending on the quality of the flour,a strong dough can be produced.
